Supporting the Arts in Western Massachusetts and Beyond

September 15, 2015

A Streetcar Named Desire

Majestic Theater, West Springfield, MA 
through October 18, 2015
by Konrad Rogowski

Directed by Rand Foerster, the Majestic Theater's production of Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire" is both an emotional and energetic show, as it tells the tragic tale of those caught in the web of lost loves and riches, and those struggling to eke out a life in the present.

Photo by Lee Chambers
Solid performances are delivered by leads Justin Fuller and Ashley Malloy as Stanley and Stella, and by Suzanne Kimball and Tim Cochran as Blanche and Harold. The four play off of each other well, and deliver on the emotions and the physicality that these roles demand. The actors portray characters of the culture of the gentile South of days long lost colliding with the harsh reality of the hard working, hard drinking, and hard living common/everyman. Ultimately, not all can survive intact.

Nicely juxtaposed to the fates of the lead characters are the often-overheard domestic conflicts of their upstairs neighbors, Eunice and Steve, echoing the ongoing trials of those who live and love in an imperfect world. The backdrop for this tale is a gritty two-story set by Greg Trochlil that captures the now faded elegance that once might have been this streetcar stop in the French Quarter. Similarly, the soft warm lighting design of Daniel D. Rist helps keep the secrets and the lies that dwell just below the surface of these intertwined lives out of sight until the searing light of truth exposes them.

This streetcar ride is well worth the fare.