Mahaiwe, Great Barrington, MA
February 18, 2011
by Stacie Beland
Once again, the Mahaiwe presented a memorable evening of dance, this time giving its audience Rennie Harris' company performing a number of repertoire pieces in a show called PUREMOVEMENT, and it did live up to its title. The company of 10, all of whom were onstage for nearly the entire duration of the show, presented a blockbuster performance.

From the opening number "God Made Me Funky" to the finale "Students of the Asphalt Jungle," the audience was treated to wonderful concert in dance. One of Harris' great talents is designing his choreography around the specific talents of his performers. Some dancers showcased gifts in breakdancing and others in quick, stylized footwork, which made the show well-rounded. In addition, this fast-paced whirlwind performance rarely slowed down long enough for the awestruck audience to take a breath.
Words can't truly encapsulate the energy that leapt of the Mahaiwe's stage. With the music thumping and the dancers pulling off gravity-defying stunts, the energy in the room was palpable it. It took only moments for the audience to leap to its feet to give the performers a standing ovation after the performance's end.