by Shera Cohen
Berkshire Museum is a wonderful gem of art, architecture,
science, and history. Located between the Colonial Theatre and Barrington Stage
in Pittsfield, all of these venues have become destination points in a city
that not so long ago was a place to drive straight through.
Little Cinema, now in its 65th year, is an important part of
what makes Berkshire Museum great. The following is a one-on-one interview with
Craig Langlois, Education and Public Programming Manager at the Berkshire
Museum in Pittsfield, MA.
Spotlight: What factors do you consider when picking the
films for Little Cinema? Is it a mix of indies and foreign?
Langlois: There’s a lot that goes into it; i.e. reviews,
audience. There are questions to ask. Has it been shown elsewhere, is it an
important film that needs to be screened, what are the distributors plans, what
are the terms (payment). We strive to present the latest in first run
independent films – sometimes they are foreign, sometimes they are made right
here in the Berkshires.
Spotlight: Do you think some films will get bigger or
different audiences in the summer months than during other times in the year?
Langlois: Films over the summer benefit from increased
audience because of the influx of second home owners and tourists. Limited run
independent films (for the most part) have a predicable distribution pattern.
After the festival circuit they start in New York, Boston, L.A. and other major
cities and then move to smaller regional markets like the Berkshires. Many
times, I have had feedback from summer audiences that they are happy they were
able to catch “that movie,” continuing “It was only in New York for a week.”
That being said, we have pretty consistent attendance around the year. Little
Cinema receives great support from the year-round community.
Spotlight: What have been the most successful films?
Successful, not necessarily in audience size but also quality of film. To me,
success is quality and quantity.
Langlois: I agree with your measure of success. The “most
successful” films are the ones I receive calls about after a weekend of
screening. The audience is compelled to keep talking about it days and weeks
after. For example, I was grocery shopping and the person manning the checkout
counter wants to talk about the film he just watched at Little Cinema. All the
feedback does not have to be positive either…it’s about having an impact,
making a statement, confronting a fear or a belief. Quality independent films
do this as good if not better than any other form of visual media. That is how
I measure the success of a film.
Spotlight: Are you approached by filmmakers to present their
work? For example, I saw the recent film set in the Berkshires?
Langlois: We have had a steady increase in requests from
directors to screen their works. As the movie industry finalizes its digital
revolution, the traditional walls that would prevent a director from contacting
us directly to screen his/her film are coming down. It a really interesting
time to be in the film business -- making and screening films. At no other time
in history has technology allowed you to create a film and screen it around the
world almost in real time. We have taken a special interest in films “starring”
the Berkshires and will continue to screen films shot, edited, or featuring the
Spotlight: What is your background? Have you always loved
Langlois: This is my sixth year running Little Cinema. I
have degrees in education, art education and visual arts. I have always loved
film --especially films with an independent flair. I am not a film maker but I
do play with the media in my own work.
Spotlight: What are the plans for Little Cinema's future?
Langlois: We are in a transition stage, about to hire a
Curator of Films. The museum’s program offerings have grown considerably over
the past few years, including taking Little Cinema to a year-round schedule.
Berkshire Museum’s staff have some great plans to continue the 65-year legacy
of Little Cinema and introduce a
whole new audience to this great cultural resource.
For information on Little Cinema call 413-443-7171 or visit them on the web at