Suffield Players, Suffield, CT
through May 18, 2014
by Shera Cohen

Set in the 1930’s, Cole Porter’s music has been contagious
for the past 80+ years. No matter what the age of the audience goer (and it was
wonderful to see youngsters in the audience) he/she is familiar with and can
probably hum most of the melodies: “You’re The Top,” “It’s Delovely,” “I Get a
Kick Out of You,” “All Through the Night,” and title song
Two comedic plots immediately interweave punctuated with
lots of mistaken identity, a love triangle, con men on the lamb, and hackneyed
one-liners. All of that is okay in efforts toward purposeful silliness.
“Anything Goes” has lots going for it, and so does Suffield
Players -- usually. It seems as if the troupe relied heavily on “newbies” at
the helm, particularly the director and choreographer. “AG” demands spunk,
frivolity, and get up & go. Sadly, this “AG” didn’t get up. The pace drags,
several actors are far too old for their characters, and (sadly) many singers’
voices crack.
Two actors stand out: Kimberly Spera, whose soprano voice is
sweet; and Peter Hicks, whose comic timing works well.
What particularly shines in “AG” are, as stated at the top,
the excellent tech qualities: Dawn McKay’s costume design, Jerry Zalewski’s
lighting, and Hal Chernoff’s sound design.
“AG” has lots of potential. And Suffield Players has proved
its skill and success for 60 years. They have, and they will, do better the
next time the curtain rises.