Goodspeed, East Haddam, CT
through December 10, 2017
by Shera Cohen

“Rags” is the story of Rebecca, a young Jewish woman from
Russia in the early 1900’s. Yet, “Rags” is everyone’s story of those journeying
to the United States for a new life. Rebecca is a strong woman, gutsy, perhaps
a little ahead of her time. Her interaction with her surrogate family,
neighbors, two suitors, and most of all her young son show the audience a woman
who must survive poverty, uncertainty, and responsibility all alone. Samantha
Massell, gives her character gentleness and grit. She appears in nearly every
scene, but never seemingly like the “star.” She “plays” well with others, and
sings even better. What a superb soprano voice.
It’s difficult to find a flaw in any of the actors. The
camaraderie of new found “sisters,” the reunion of father and daughter, and the
excitement of three romantic couples is the groundwork for “Rag.” Throughout,
the orchestra murmurs refrains of klezmer music alternating or mixed with
honky-tonk jazz.
The musical is long, with many characters. Actors often double
roles. A beautifully quaffed and dressed quintet, primarily representing
Yankees, weave in and out of scenes making it clear that immigrants are not
wanted here.
Director Rob Ruggiero (whose talents are seen at
TheatreWorks and Barrington Stage) and Scenic Designer Michael Schweikart have
obviously worked hand in hand, blocking the actors on the turning circular
stage where most of the story takes place.
The success of “Rags” lays in what it is not. It is not a
star-studded cast, the audience doesn’t “oh” and “ah,” there is no stopping
this tale from telling the truth. Never does the audience think, “Okay, I’m
watching a play now.” Instead, on some important level, “Rags” is a story of
all of us.